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96 Updates Achieved and Promising Project

profile avatar Norda Scripts
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Norda Scripts Posted 1712136062 (Edited) (51 views)
Dear clients and partners,

I am thrilled to share with you an important update regarding my activities this year. From the beginning of the year 2024 until now, I have had the pleasure of working on 96 updates for my existing products. This dedication to enhancing and perfecting my offerings lies at the core of my commitment to you, my valued community.

Some of you may wonder why I have chosen to focus on updates rather than new launches. The reason is simple: I am getting married this weekend. This significant personal milestone has prompted me to prioritize the stability and quality of my current products over embarking on new developments that could require intensive support during this intense period.

I am confident that this decision will not only maintain my commitment to customer satisfaction but also lay solid foundations for the future. Once the celebrations are over, I will be ready to resume work with renewed energy.

I also want to share exciting news about my next project: a revolutionary Rank system, optimized and entirely unique in the market. With a compact size of only 20kb on the workshop materials side and 99kb on the Lua file side (64kb on the client and 27kb on the server), this system promises to bring invaluable value to my products and your user experience.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding during this special time in my life. My commitment to excellence remains intact, and I look forward to continuing to serve you with dedication and passion.

Warm regards,
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